my printed materials

Genocide is the dark stigma of humanity
after Tetyana Holubeva,
an English Teacher of
Dobrovelychkivka NVK
“School-gymnasium No.2”,
Kirovograd Region
(095) 0221716

         Analyzing the development of the mankind on the Earth one can observe certain displays of human interaction, governed by natural laws. Since the tribal times people have been learning to live together. The strong and the weak, the rich and the poor have fought for power. Unfortunately, violence has always taken its place. Genocide is a dark spot in our history and school teachers are among those who can prevent it.
         First, teachers can influence their teenagers’ life views. Taking into consideration the fact that “during the teen years, under the influence of massive new hormonal messages, the teenagers’ brain is being reshaped and reconstructed”¹, school teachers should fill in the childish souls with the understanding of what love, kindness and other virtues are. Taking an important place in the kids’ lives after their relatives and friends, teachers have all the chances to be heard. They can help young learners analyze the information they get from different resources: “it is very important for young people to be very careful about what they study – and to develop a critical and analytical mind that allows them to separate reality from mythology” 2  .
         Secondly, if teachers preach patriotism at school it’s very essential not to forget to mention about the respect to other countries. Thus, there will be more chances not to raise dictators, tyrants and maniacs. The task of every school is to turn the children into the conscious citizens not only of their countries but of the whole world as well.
         The third but not the last proof of the teachers’ important roles in preventing genocide is in teaching their students cultural diversity. “Starting by recognizing differences in religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomics, parenting and class backgrounds will help create a climate that welcomes differences3 . Ethnic and cultural distinctions are considered to be one of the major courses of genocide. Organizing discussions about life in different countries, analyzing certain stereotypes and prejudices, educating children about the examples of genocide in the history of the mankind may lead to maintain healthy tolerant attitudes among the future citizens of the world.
         So, as gardeners grow their flowers in the hope to watch them burst into blossom, so the teachers educate their students in the hope to watch them build a strong, healthy and tolerant society, free from any (including genocidal) crimes.

1 Robert T. Hedaya, M. D., a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry on www.
2 Edward Kissi, an associate professor of African studies at the University of South Florida, a contributor to the “Encyclopedia of Genocide”
3 Maria Axner “Understanding Culture and Diversity in Building Communities” on comminitytoolbox site.

І International  Essay Competition named after Lemkin
By Society Initiatives Institute
Последним днем для представления эссе считается 30 ноября 2014 года.
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Title: Online Education
Type: Research paper
Subject: Education

Is an online education just as legitimate as a traditional education? Why or why not?

Tetyana Holubeva

Nowadays,  when  the  Internet  has  penetrated  into  every  sphere  of  our life,  trying  to  make  it  easier  and  more  comfortable, we  can’t  stop  admiring the  possibilities  it  gives  to  us.  Education  online  is  one  of  them.  While  it  is extremely  important  for  the  disabled  people,  and  for  those  who  live  in remote  places,  online  education  has  its  disadvantages.
         First,  online  education  is  no  doubt,  of  great  importance  for  the  people with  physical  disabilities.  Everybody  has  the  right  for  education  in  any democratic  country.  So  online  studying  seems  to  be  fully legitimate  here. Having  their  own  timetable,  the  tempo  of  learning  and  personal  tutors,  the disabled  people  succeed  in  their  studying.  They  have  all  the  chances  to  get  a job, thus,  to earn  for  a  living  and change  their  lives!
         Secondly, online education  is  necessary  for  the  people  who  live  in  remote  (rural)  places.  They  can  learn  any  subject  they  wish. Is  that  a  crime?
No  need  to  move  to  a  city  or  another  country. Be  at  home,  and  take  your  knowledge, here  you  are!
         Still,  it’s  important  for  the  government  to control  the people of  the companies  that  offer  the services  of online  education. Online  tutors  should  have  all  the  necessary  documentation,  skills  and  experience. Thus,  one  of  the  disadvantages  of  online  learning  is  a  possibility  of  being  deceived. And  getting  some  false  certificates, for  example. Among  the  other minuses  of  online  education  is  dependence on the  modern  devices  and technology: no Internet connection, no electricity, - like  it  often  happens  in  Ukraine,  -  no studying.
         So, taking  into  consideration  all  the  facts  in  the  article, it’s  important  to  say  that  online  education  is  certainly  a  useful innovation. Having  its  disadvantages, - traditional  education  has  many  of  them  as   well,  -  but  being  regulated  by  a  government,  it  may  be   a  way  out  for   many  people.

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