at the English Lesson

That is a good board game to revise any verb tense

Christmas Cartoon

Хороша пісенька Days of the Week

Хороша пісенька про сім'ю


Can you imagine what it would be like - to be famous? Now, can you imagine, what it would be like to be so famous that your name is still known all over the world ________ years after you were born. That’s what happened with our next composer. He’s probably _________________________ of the world…. He’ s famous for big orchestra symphonies, he’s famous for ______________, he’ famous for concertos  he’s famous for music sung by choirs, as well as for music played on the _________, and he even had time to be famous for  musical joke. One critic wrote: “______________________________” and it’s easy to see why. It isn’t just Mozart wrote such a lot of music, it’s because with him music seem to be effortless. It’s as if he had ____________ different tunes inside him, each one  bursting to get out. Wolfgang was born in Saltsburg, in Austria, at ____ o’clock in the evening, on the ____th of January, _________.He started playing the keyboard at the age of ____and was composing music by the time he was ___ years old….Wolfgang was such an incredible _________ prodigy, such a genius, that he shines as one of the brightest stars in the whole of the history of the ______________ music. Despite that and rather strangely, he was very frightened of the trumpet when he was a __________________…. Mozart was not frightened of all brass ________________, however. He liked the French horn …Wolfgang was not the only person in his family to be musically ______________. His _____________, Leopold, was also a composer. He worked for the Prince Archbishop of Saltsburg, although Leopold was neither as famous or as talented as his son. Wolfgang had an older sister called  Maria Anna, who was also a good __________ .A family ahd friends called her by the nickname – Nannel.


Translated by the students

 I Love a sunburnt country.
A land of sweeping plains,
Of rugged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love jeweled sea.
Her beauty and her terror
A wide brown land for me.

By Dorothy Mackellar

Люблю я сонячну країну
Люблю я сонячну країну,
Безкраїх земель чисті рівнини,
Простір гірський та річкову долину,
 Її посухи й чаруючі зливи.
Люблю далекі її виднокраї,
Блискучі моря, неозорі й німі,
Скажу, що всі ці пейзажі безкраї,
Хоч і далекі, а все ж є мої.
Переклад Андронік А.

I Love a sunburnt country.
A land of sweeping plains,
Of rugged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love jeweled sea.
Her beauty and her terror
A wide brown land for me.

By Dorothy Mackellar

Люблю я смугляву країну,
Землі широту.
З кривими гірськими хребтами
Посушливу і дощову.
Люблю її багаті горизонти
ЇЇ коштовні камені морські
ЇЇ жахи і її вроду
Коричневі землі, широкі мої.

Булгакова О.

Missing Summer
By Destinee
The grass so green,
The sun so bright,
Life seems a dream,
No worries in sight

Tans and tank tops,
Laughter and bliss,
Each moment passes,
Without even a miss


Сумуючи за літом
Трава така зелена,
Таке яскраве сонце
Життя – немов та мрія,
Не має хвилювань
Засмага є і топи,
І посмішка блаженна,
Момент минає кожен
Пошвидше, без вагань.

Булгакова О.

Mona Lisa
Behind kaleidoscopic eyes
theres no mystery there that lies
Shes the one to see it all
from her position on a wall

We look for something in her smile
We stand to study her awhile
Her face of beauty that we seek
What would she say if she could speak?

Is her beauty oh so rare?
Was Mona just a maiden fair?
Is she a mirror image of me?
Is that what Im supposed to see?

Monas portrait on the wall
A combination of us all
Theres a touch of someone there
in the beauty of her hair

That hint of prism in her eyes
makes her appear to be so wise
The playful curvature of her lip
On her cheeks can dance a quip

Shes a beauty this Mona Lisa
but so is the Leaning Tower of Pisa
What is the mystery there that lies?
Behind kaleidoscopic eyes. . .
Brenda M. Weber

Мона Ліза
ЇЇ погляд глибокий так манить мене,
Але не таїть загадковості,
Тихо стежить вона за нами всіма
З висоти, будучи в нерухомості.

В її усмішці завжди шукаємо щось
І вивчаємо образ годинами,
Вона – це краса, яку прагнемо ми
Віднайти похмурими днинами.

А чи можна сказати, що Мони краса
Є справді такою рідкістю?
Може, просто вона – це зображена я
Віддзеркалення моєї особистості..

Андронік А.

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