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Dear boys and girls! Dear guests! We are here to celebrate a wonderful holiday -Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving Day to you!
Thanksgiving Day comes on the 4th Thursday in November. It is a legal holiday celebrated throughout the United States. People of all faiths celebrate this holiday. They give thanks for the many good things in their lives. On Thanksgiving Day, families come together for a special dinner (feast). Turkey with stuffing is the main dish. It is served with mashed potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie. Apple cider is the drink of the day. Football is the most popular game on this day. For many schools, the Thanksgiving Day game is the most important one of the year. Stores, classrooms, and homes are decorated with turkeys, pilgrims, Indians, wreaths of dried flowers and vegetables. Horns of plenty are also very popular. Charitable organizations serve dinner to needy people. They also send baskets of food to elderly and sick. And now we are going to show you a performance about the history of Thanksgiving Day. Your task is to be very careful. After the performance there will be a quiz.
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Сharacters: Story-teller, the Pilgrims, Indians.
Story-teller: On September 16, 1620 the Pilgrims sailed from Plymouth, England. The ship was called the Mayflower, they landed at Plymouth Rock, in Massachusetts, on December 26, 1620.
The 1st Pilgrim: Oh, I see a land! Look!
All Pilgrims: Land! Hurrah! Land!
The 2nd Pilgrim: Look! There are people there. They welcome us.
The Indian Leader: Welcome to our land! Who are you? Where are you from?
The 1st Pilgrim: We are Pilgrims. We are from England. We have come for new lives. And who are you?
The Indian Leader: We are Indians. We have been living here for a long time. You may stay here and live on our land.
Pilgrims: Thank you very much!
Story-teller: The first winter was a terrible time. The Pilgrims were hungry, sick and cold. Many people died. Then the Native Americans, the Indians, helped the Pilgrims.
The 3rd Pilgrims: We have nothing to eat. Many people have died and many are sick. What shall we do?
(Появляются индейцы с корзинками еды).
The 1st Indian: Hello! We have brought food to you: bread, vegetables, fruit, corn, and other things.
The 3rd Pilgrim: Oh! Thank you very much! You have saved our lives! We'll never forget you!
Story-teller: Spring came. Indians taught the Pilgrims to plant corn, to build houses, to hunt, to fish. In other words - how to survive in America.
(Индейцы показывают пилигримам, как выращивать кукурузу, строить дома, ловить рыбу, охотиться).
The 2nd Indian: We'll teach you how to plant corn, build houses, hunt and fish. Our land is very rich.
The 4th Pilgrim: Thanks! We'll pray for you! We'll be good pupils.
Story-teller: The crops did well, and in the fall (autumn) of 1621 the Pilgrims had a great harvest. They were very thankful and decided to celebrate with a feast. The Pilgrims invited the Indian friends to share this Thanksgiving feast.
The 2nd Pilgrim: Welcome to our Thanksgiving feast! We are grateful to you for many things. But the main is: you helped us when we suffered greatly. And we'll never forget those days!
(Индейцы и пилигримы садятся за праздничный стол. На столе: индейка (муляж), клюква, фрукты, кукуруза, пирог и др. Вождь индейцев произносит здравицу в честь пилигримов).
The Indian Leader:
Heap high the board with plenteous cheer,
And gather to the feast,
And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band
Whose courage never ceased.
(Ставьте на столы обильное угощение и собирайтесь на праздник, Поднимем тост за стойких пилигримов, чьё мужество никогда не иссякнет).
The 1st Pilgrim: Thanks a lot! Now let's have a fun! Let's recite poems and sing songs.
The 4th Pilgrim:
(Это стихотворение могут рассказывать несколько пилигримов)
Pilgrim children worked hard all day.
Pilgrim children had little time to play.
The first child chopped lots of wood.
The second child helped make the family's food.
The third helped keep the horses fed.
The fourth child made a mattress for his bed.
The fifth child made soap and candle.
The sixth child turned a meat-roasting handle.
Pilgrim children worked hard all day.
Pilgrim children hat little time to play.
The 3rd Pilgrim:
This plump turkey spread his tail like a fan.
This plump turkey, away he ran.
This plump turkey flew up in a tree.
This plump turkey gobbled at me.
This plump turkey said, “I'll leave right away.
So the cook can't find me on Thanksgiving Day”.
Indians: And now let's sing an Indian song. While singing use pantomime to show the actions in this active song
This is the way we beat our drum, Beat our drum, beat our drum, This is the way we beat our drum, We are the Wampanoag. (Continue with these verses: plant our corn, grind our corn, hunt for food, wash our clothes).
Story-teller: Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national day of observance by Congress of the United States in 1941. Today, Thanksgiving is the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season and in many cities Thanksgiving marks the arrival of Santa Claus.
A Thanksgiving Party
Today we shall speak about one of the most important American holidays – Thanksgiving Day. You’ll learn some interesting facts, play games, sing songs
P1 –   
The year has turned its circle,
The seasons come and go,
The harvest is all gathered in,
And chilly north winds blow.
Orchards have shared their treasures,
The fields their yellow grain.
So open  wide the door way –
Thanksgiving comes again!
The last Thursday in November is a holiday in America. People call this holyday Thanksgiving Day. It is perhaps the most important day in the American year. People go to churches; families come together for that day.
They decorate their houses with the fruit and flowers of autumn and prepare traditional American food.
But what are people celebrating ?
What are they giving thanks for ?
P2 –  

Thank you
for all my hands can hold-
apples red,
and melons gold,
yellow corn,
both ripe and sweet,
peas and beans
so good to eat!
P3 -  
Thank you
for all my eyes can see:
lovely sunlight,
field and tree,
white clouds, boats in sea –
deep sky, flying birds
and butterfly.
P4 - 
Thank you
for all my ears can hear,
bird’s song echoing
far and near;
songs of little stream,
big sea , cricket , bullfrog
cluck and bee !
Now some facts from the history. Of course, you know that Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
” In fourteen hundred and ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue…”
In all schools of America pupils know and sing this song. People called this land”The New World” and the natives - ”Indians”.
P5 –   
Many countries were interested in the New World at that time. England was interested too. On the 21st of September in 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed from the English port of Plymouth on board the ship ” The Mayflower”.
They wanted to start a new life and have no problems with church.
(A song” My Bonnie lies over the ocean”)
A group of pupils sing the song.
P6  – 
After 2 months’ voyage on the 21st of November those people landed in the north – east of America. There were 74 men and 28 women on ” The Mayflower”. They landed at Plymouth Rock, now the state of Massachusetts in December 1620. They set up a colony and called that part of the country - ” New England ”. (A song ”America the beautiful” )
The Pilgrims began a new life there. It was a very hard life.
Half of the Pilgrims died. The following spring the Indians taught them how to hunt, fish, plant and farm the land, how to survive in America.
P7  –
In the autumn of 1621 the colonists had their first harvest. It was rather good. The colonists decided to have a special dinner. They wanted to thank God – to give him their thanks for many things. It was a difficult year, but the people had food to eat.
The colonists had a Thanksgiving dinner for all the people. They invited their Indian friends to their feast. It lasted 3 days. And for their good harvest and their happy year in a new country.
P8  –
for time to be together,
turkey, talk and lovely weather.

for harvest stored away,
home, health and holiday.

 for autumns frosty art
and a bun dance in the heart.

 for neighbours and November
nice things, new things to remember.

for sights and sounds
and something special  that abounds.
That spells Thanks – for joy in living
And a jolly good Thanksgiving.
P9  –
They prepared a dinner of turkey, corn, beans and pumpkins. Wild turkeys were on the table. Since then the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving Day.
Cranberries are also a part of Thanksgiving dinner. Indian corn is used as a decoration.

A poem
”Thanksgiving dinner”

Take a turkey, stuff it fat,
Some of this and some of that,
Get some turnips, pee them well,
Cook a big squash in its shell.
Now potatoes, big and white.            
Mash till they are soft and light
Cranberries so tart and sweet
With the turkey we must eat.

P10 –

T         for flowers that bloom about our feet,
H        for tender grass, so fresh , so sweet,
A        for song of birds and hum of bee,
N        for all things fair we hear and see,
K         father in Haven
S         we thank thee!
Thanksgiving in America is not only giving thanks to God, one’s country and family members; it also has the national entertainment – a Thanksgiving Day Parade and a Professional football game on that day. The first parade was in 1920. It was a parade of toys in Philadelphia.
P11 –
A poem
”The Thanksgiving Day Parade”

Thanksgiving Day is here today,
The great parade is under way.
Great balloons are floating by,
Cartoon creatures stories high,
Mickey mouse and mother Goose
Snoopy and a lot of moose.
All people give thanks for the good things they have. Imagine you are at a Thanksgiving table. What would you express your thanks for? (to the audience). Thank you. And now time for fun.
1.  A dance -”We are the native Indians”.
2.  Thanksgiving Quiz and Riddles.
3.  Guess the words.(about Thanksgiving Holyday)
4.  A poem ” If Turkeys thought … ”
5.  A Thanksgiving Tale (a short performance).
6.  A dance to the song  ”Today is Thanksgiving Day”
I thank you for taking part in the holyday celebrations. Thank you for being helpful. I hope you’ve learned something about Thanksgiving traditions.
Pupil 1:
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.
Pupil 2:
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colours,
And made their tiny wings.
Pupil 3:
T – for time to be together,
Turkey, talk and tender weather.
H – for harvest stored away,
home and hearth, and holiday.
A – for autumn's frosty art
and abundance in the heart.
Pupil 4:
N – neighbours, and November,
nice things, new things to remember
K – for kitchen, kettles, croon,
kith and kin expected soon.
S – for sizzles, sights and sounds,
and something special that abounds.

That spells THANKS – for joy in living
and a jolly good Thanksgiving!

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